Suite 1204 Eastern Harbour Centre (1204,東港中心 28, 28號 Hoi Chak St, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Adobe Hong Kong, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Tung Kin Factory Building, Unit B, 6/F Block A-D, 196-198 Tsat Tsz Mui Rd, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Sea View Estate Block A, Watson Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
The Great Room One Taikoo Place - Coworking Space & Hot Desking Hong Kong, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Eton Tower, 8 Hysan Ave, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Union Park Tower, Electric Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Here are the best coworking spaces in quarry bay
Address: The Great Room One Taikoo Place – Coworking Space & Hot Desking Hong Kong, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Starting Price: HKD 6,000 Hong kong dollars Per Month
Amenities: Air Conditioning, BeanBags, Bio-metric, Cat Friendly, Events, FB Group, First aid box, Frustration Zone, Furniture, Heating, High Speed WIFI, IVR, Lift access, Mail Handling, Nap Room, No Lock-In, Office stationery, Outdoor Terrace, Personal Lockers, Photo Studio, Podcasting Room, Power backup, Projector, Reception, Refrigerator, Scanner/Printers, Smoking Zone, Workshops
2. Blueprint
Address: Dorset House, King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Starting Price: HKD 4,950 Hong kong dollars Per Month
Amenities: 24/7 Security, Air Conditioning, Cafeteria, CCTV cameras, Cleaning, High Speed WIFI, LCD, Lift access
Address: Suite 1204 Eastern Harbour Centre (1204,東港中心 28, 28號 Hoi Chak St, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Starting Price: HKD 6,000 Hong kong dollars Per Month.
Amenities: 24/7 Security, Air Conditioning, CCTV cameras, Cleaning, High Speed WIFI, LCD, Lift access, Scanner/Printers
Address: mapMarkerGrey Adobe Hong Kong, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Starting Price: HKD 4,000 Hong kong dollars Per Day.
Amenities: 24/7 Security, Air Conditioning, CCTV cameras, Cleaning, High Speed WIFI, LCD, Lift access, Scanner/Printers
5. WeWork
Address: Cityplaza 3, 14 Tai Koo Wan Rd, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Starting Price: HKD 5,000 Hong kong dollars Per Day
Amenities: 24/7 Security, Air Conditioning, CCTV cameras, Cleaning, High Speed WIFI, LCD, Lift access, Projector, Scanner/Printers
6. HQ
Address: Cheung Hing Industrial Building, Smithfield, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
Starting Price: HKD 4,500 Hong kong dollars Per Month.
Amenities: 3D Printer, Air Conditioning, BeanBags, Bio-metric, Cat Friendly, Cleaning, Customer Support, Day Care Facility, Drinking Water, Event Space, Events, FB Group, First aid box,Free Parking, Furniture, Heating, Host Space, Microphone, Microwave, Office stationery, Phone Booth, Photo Studio, Podcasting Room, Pool Table, Printer, Professional Lighting, Projector, Scanner/Printers, Skype Room, Table Tennis, Yoga Room
Address: mapMarkerGrey Tung Kin Factory Building, Unit B, 6/F Block A-D, 196-198 Tsat Tsz Mui Rd, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Starting Price: HKD 1,600 Hong kong dollars Per Month.
Amenities: 24/7 Security, Air Conditioning, CCTV cameras, Cleaning, High Speed WIFI, LCD, Lift access, Projector, Scanner/Printers
Address: mapMarkerGrey Sea View Estate Block A, Watson Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Starting Price: HKD 2,000 Hong kong dollars Per Day.
Amenities: 24/7 Security, Air Conditioning, CCTV cameras, Cleaning, High Speed WIFI, LCD, Lift access, Scanner/Printers
Address: Eton Tower, 8 Hysan Ave, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Starting Price: HKD 2,000 Hong kong dollars Per Day.
Amenities: Air Conditioning, Cafeteria, CCTV cameras, Chillout Area, Cleaning, Computers (Pcs), Dog-Friendly ,Ergonomic Chair, Event Space, Events, FB Group, First aid box, Football Table, Free Parking
Address: mapMarkerGrey Union Park Tower, Electric Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Starting Price: HKD 1,500 Hong kong dollars Per
Amenities: 24/7 Security, Air Conditioning, BeanBags, Bio-metric ,Cat Friendly, CCTV cameras, Cleaning, Computers (Pcs), Customer Support, Drinking Water, Ergonomic Chair, Frustration Zone, Furniture, High Speed WIFI, Host Space, IT Support, LCD, Library
Best Locations Nearby Quarry Bay for Coworking Spaces :
Coworking Space in Kwun Tong
Coworking Space in Causeway Bay
Coworking Space in Tsim Sha Tsui
Coworking Space in Sheung Wan